We have been very busy this summer but have found time for a few updates- you might remember that we intended to beadboard a few bathrooms this summer- after all it does hide a multitude of sins and my walls certainly have sins!!!!
And the new wallpaper - I found it - well with Janis Stone's help the interior decorator across the street.
So the upstairs connecting bathroom is shaping up- these pix really don't do the wallpaper justice- looks fab in person.

The beadboard and the tile on the floor - we are almost done- I decided to keep the original sink and tub- I think we will need to do some caulking on the tub and tile around it but that is small potatoes. Looking good I think.

Okay now we are talking Pirates!!!! Gabey comes for his visit next week and we had to be ready for the big boy- crib is up in the attic and bunkbeds here we come.

Now granted - this room is small and a huge bunkbed takes up a ton of room- but this will be our only way to fit 2 people in the room- no other size bed fits- more ship-like!!!! Hope he likes it!! And has fun!!!

More beadboard in the downstairs half bath- really makes a difference and lightens up a dark and small bath. We always have some beach towels to grab for a quick trip to the dock!!!!

New toliet and sink makes a huge difference - need to work on the floor - needs some new wood planks and touch up the paint - a few new framed posters and we will be done!!!

Lastly the entrance to the house- We have hired Michael the painter - and I feel like Murphy Brown with Elden!!! He has been here all summer - mostly doing the outside trim but he did finish the entrance to the house - paint is Berkshire Beige by Benjamin Moore- looks gray sometimes - beige sometimes and even greenish on occasion- love it and will use it in the whole foyer- will probably go a shade lighter in the living room and dining room.
Scored the rug at Margo Moore's in Camden- love that store!!!! great way to greet the guests to Lucky Stars!!! Still can't believe an 8 foot runner fits sideways in the vestibule!!!
More pix at the end of the summer I am sure but with all our guests this year I guess we are lucky we have this much to show !!!!!! Enjoy the rest of your summer!!!! Off to the Vineyard for a week- will post on my return!!!!