A definite chill is in the air up here in Maine. Gotta get the pumpkins out before the frost.... I always feel a little sad with the passing of summer- we did have a great one this year with gobs of company and many a great meal and fun for all. I will be heading out to NY for a while and back to DC for a few weeks then back up to "batten down the hatches" for the winter.

We look forward to another action packed Thanksgiving with a big crowd!!! Can't wait...
Quite a few projects were completed this summer - the plastering of ceilings - painting of more than a few rooms. But as usual many more projects on the horizon- One big one this fall is that we have hired a roofing company to install a rubber roof on the flat part. Something you can't see from the ground but will keep us dry!!!! That project will happen soon.
Happy Fall to All.....