What a day- from early morning to late at night the celebration continued! We woke up by 6am and around 7 we were outside checking out the crowds on my street- one block away from Pennsylvania Ave and the parade route.
This is Mary - my sister-in-law in front of the condo at 7 am- they were selling these flags with Obama's image right outside the front door!

George - getting bundled up before he and Moira set out to go to the swearing in!

Moira ready to go...

The view behind them when they finally arrived at the Capitol.

Our Obama cupcakes - dessert on Inauguration Day!!!

Moira and George got in close for photos

The tunnel underneath Penn Ave - they had to walk through it to get to the Capitol.

George and Mo in the crowd.

Right as they were leaving.

The flags look great.

You can see the new President if you look closely,

The swearing in!!!

Our Capitol!!!!